Poems ▸ The National Rain Day - Beverley Beck
The National Rain Day
A day to relax and wear a brightly coloured sou’wester with oil skin to match,
Yellow, green, red or blue —
Pull on co-ordinating wellies and jump in a puddle, or two —
All the shopping malls will be closed, and everyone will wear a smile to chase
All the shopping malls will be closed, and everyone will wear a smile to chase
away their woes —
Letting their spirits rise as they lose their inhibiting ways-
Soft rain falls
It glistens on leaves left over from the autumn breeze,
It puddles the earth, wrinkles the ocean, asking the question:
Soft rain falls
On beaches, rocks and gravel lining the shore where it beckons, then turns and
hides from my eye, momentarily to be seen no more,
Soft rain falls
On driftwood, reaching out, caressing an ageless vision,
Soft rain falls
But, where?
Upon the artisan slopes of nature’s exhibition.
Beverley Beck