Virtual Exhibitions ▸ Claire Kinsey – Paintings

18th January—26th February 2021

Claire Kinsey has lived in Devon for nearly 40 years. Her art is influenced by places she visits and the things that catch her eye when out walking. Sometimes her pieces just evolve after many colour changes and removal of paint. Claire reckons that she probably takes off more paint than she puts on to canvas. Colour is vitally important as it evokes emotion and feeling.

Claire admires the works of Franz Marc and Clarice Cliff. Art Deco and Stained Glass provide further inspiration. She says that her Art provides endless possibilities to express herself and to escape into the world of her inner imaginings.

Claire has two styles. Whilst she tends to be tight and precise in execution, she often breaks the habit to work on a looser, more instinctive piece. Claire then paints, prints, overpainting layer upon layer, then removing and adding paint until she is happy with the result, or the piece tells her it's finished.

If you’d like to purchase any of Claire’s paintings, please email Chris Burchell ( Details and prices are shown underneath each painting.

Claire Kinsey - Sea Cliffs
Sea Cliffs – diptych, 30×30cm×2, acrylic on box canvas – £80

Claire Kinsey - Tintagel Church
Tintagel Church – diptych, 30×30cm×2, acrylic on box canvas – £80

Claire Kinsey - Red Sky Over Dartmoor
Red Sky Over Dartmoor – 20×50cm, acrylic on box canvas – £80

Claire Kinsey - Dartmoor 1
Dartmoor 1 – 30×30cm, acrylic on box canvas – £60

Claire Kinsey - The Quay
The Quay – 50×76cm, acrylic on box canvas – £150

Claire Kinsey - Arran
Arran – 150×122cm, acrylic on box canvas – £600

Claire Kinsey - Red Road
Red Road – 120×100cm, acrylic on box canvas – £500

Claire Kinsey - The Melt
The Melt – 120×100cm, acrylic on box canvas – £500

Claire Kinsey -; Blue Monsters
Blue Monsters – 120×100cm, acrylic on box canvas – £450

Claire Kinsey - Division
Division – 100×120cm, acrylic on box canvas – £400

Claire Kinsey - The River
The River – 100×100cm, acrylic on box canvas – £400

Claire Kinsey - Find a Space
Find a Space – 100×120cm, acrylic on box canvas – £600