A VICTORIAN HEAD GARDENER                            By Francis Burroughes


Talk  |  Seated

FRANCIS BURROUGHES: Dr. Francis Burroughes, B.E.M.Lecturer and after-Dinner Speaker, for W.Is., Rotary & Round Tables, U3As., and special interest groups and societies.

TALK: Francis’ father started his career in Horticulture as a gardener’s boy on a large estate before the First World War. Hear about the life on a Victorian Country estate, which has now entirely vanished. Learn how to mow a lawn properly, with a horse-drawn mower, how to grow grapes, and why William Robinson’s butler served his master a pear on a silver tray. Also discover why the Ministry for War issued thousands of stirrup pumps in the Second World War.

Mon 10th Mar2pm
All Tickets £6.00
FOTW Conc Single £5.00

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