SUSTAINABLE TOURISM?                                       By Jackie Young


Talk  |  Seated

JACKIE YOUNG: An Environmental Scientist who spent her life time campaigning for environmental improvement with a focus on sustainability, environmental management and climate change.

TALK: Looking at the good and the bad side of managing holidays from a personal point of view, using her fav place, Plakias in Crete, as an example. What do you look for when choosing your holiday destination ? The price?, the location ?, the food ?, the beaches ?...etc. These days a lot of travel agents and holiday firms take ‘green’ tourism – the environmental impact of your holiday – very seriously. It’s a good selling point. However it also provides a popular ‘guilt factor’ for those trying to persuade us to take fewer, or no, flights and there are other things to consider such as the impact on local resources and the livelihoods of the local population.
But what contributes to the ‘green tourism’ label ? How can you separate the hype from the reality ? What does it mean for those striving to provide the best possible sustainable options for you ?

Jackie will be looking at what goes on behind the scenes in a small but very popular resort in Southern Crete…one that she’s watched grow and change for 37 years. Hopefully it will give you some idea of what to look for when booking holidays for the future. The impacts are wider than you think.

All Tickets £6.00
FOTW Conc Single £5.00

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